Steps Involved For Displaying Flight Details:
1. Creation of ABAP CDS view.
- Go to HANA studio ABAP perspective and Choose the package in which you want to create CDS view. Right click on package - New - Other ABAP Repository object - DDL source - Next
- Provide Name and Description
- It seems like below
- Creation of ABAP CDS view.
- Creation of Gateway O Data service.
- Testing of GW service in Gateway client.
- Creation of FIORI-Like App.
- Deployment of SAP UI5 Application to ABAP Back-End.
1. Creation of ABAP CDS view.
- Go to HANA studio ABAP perspective and Choose the package in which you want to create CDS view. Right click on package - New - Other ABAP Repository object - DDL source - Next
- Provide Name and Description
- It seems like below
- Check & Activate.
- Right click on new created DDL source i.e. ZCDS_FL and click on open data preview.
- Same CDS view physically available/accessible in SE11
2. Creation of Gateway O Data services
- Now let's create O Data service which will fetch data (i.e. Query) from ZCDS_FL_SQL.
- In terms of O Data, HTTP and ABAP we need apply operation QUERY, GET and Select * from <Table> into @data(ITAB) respectively.
- Go to SEGW t-code and create new project ZFlight_Detail
- Now right on Data Model and Import - DDIC structure option - Provide ABAP DDIC structure name i.e.ZCDS_FL_SQL as well as Entity Name.
- Click Next and select required fields.
- In next step mark check as key for FLIGHT_ID and CONNID and click Finish.
- At a same time Entity Set has been created because earlier we have marked check box for create default entity set(it's SP 09 ).
- Now let's play with runtime artifacts - Click on generate runtime objects(red and white circle) and it will pop up below screen - click enter button.
- On successful creation we will see the below screen(plenty of green symbols
- Now register you service under service maintenance folder.
- Click ok will get message service created....Yah we have maintained service...
- Now for fetching data from DDIC artifacts ZCDS_FL_SQL we need to implement Query operation i.e. code based implementation.......
- Now Open runtime artifacts and right click on class ZCL_FLIGHT_DETAIL_DPC_EXT - click on Go To ABAP Workbench.
- In Edit mode redefine ZFLIGHT_DETAILSE_GET_ENTITYSET i.e. nothing but a implementation Query operation that results multiple rows.
- We are fetching complete set of records. Below is the code.
- Yahhh... we have done with coding part. Lets move toward for testing GW service
3. Testing of gateway service in gateway client.
- Now click on SAP Gateway Client under IFC Nodes box screen either you can use t-code /IWFND/GW_CLIENT
- Click on entity set name - select Zflight_DetailSet
- It will generate automatic URI like below and hit execute button.
- Status code 200 means its working fine...
- Same we can test in web browser (Just copy link from above screen)http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZFLIGHT_DETAIL_SRV/Zflight_DetailSet/
- After hitting above link in browser it will ask user ID and password which will be your SAP credentials and results output.
4. Creation of FIORI-Like App.
- Open ABAP Prespective - Right click in the project explorer - New - Others
- Type SAPUI and select application project
- Hit next and provide project name.
- After creation of project it seems like below.
- Double click on MAIN.view.xml and paste below code
<core:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m"
controllerName="zcds_fiori.MAIN" xmlns:html="">
<Page title="Flight Details">
<Table id="idProductsTable"
<Column> <Text text="Flight ID" /> </Column>
<Column> <Text text="Flight Number" /> </Column>
<Column> <Text text="Flight Date" /> </Column>
<Column> <Text text="Plane Type" /> </Column>
<Column> <Text text="Price" /> </Column>
<Column> <Text text="Currency" /> </Column>
<Column> <Text text="Flight Name" /> </Column>
<Text text="{FlightId}" />
<Text text="{Connid}" />
<Text text="{Fldate}" />
<Text text="{Planetype}" />
<Text text="{Price}" />
<Text text="{Currency}" />
<Text text="{RhFligntName}" />
</Table> </content>
- Now go to MAIN.controller.js and paste below code.
onInit: function() {
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("http://XXXXXXXX/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZFLIGHT_DETAIL_SRV/",false);
Note : 'XXXXXXXXX' would be your server path.
- Save and right click on ZCDS_FIORI - Run As - Web App Preview and result is below
- Now go to browser and paste URL which is generated in index.html
- If everything went right then its time to celebrate.....
Result :
5.Deployment of SAP UI5 Application to ABAP Back-End