As stated before HANA does support this format yet with the proper ST_GEOMETRY data type constructor or constructor. So we will need to convert this field to a “Well-Known Text” format.
I found a “Node.js” package to do this (only one), so I decided to build a little program to convert the field from the local CSV file.
First you will need to install Node.js from their website:
Once installed you can open command line prompt and run the following command:
node --version
This will return the currently installed and make sure it’s properly installed.
Now, run the following commands:
npm install fast-csv
npm install fs
npm install terraformer
npm install terraformer-wkt-parser
This will install the relevant packages to run the package.
You can now create a new file named ‘convert-geojson-to-wkt-csv.js‘ and add the following code:
var csv = require('fast-csv');
var fs = require('fs');
var Terraformer = require('terraformer');
var WKT = require('terraformer-wkt-parser');
var writeOptions = {
headers : true,
quoteHeaders : true,
quoteColumns : true,
rowDelimiter :'\n',
delimiter : ';'
var csvWriteStream = csv
var writableStream = fs.createWriteStream("C:/temp/grondwaterstroming-out.csv")
.on("finish", function(){
console.log("All done");
var readOptions = {
objectMode : true,
headers : true,
delimiter : ';',
quote : '"',
escape : '"'
var csvReadStream = fs.createReadStream("C:/temp/grondwaterstroming.csv");
var csvStream = csv
.on("data", function(data){
data.geometry = WKT.convert(JSON.parse(data.geometry));
.on("end", function(){
The program will read the ‘C:/temp/grondwaterstroming.csv‘ file and out the result in ‘C:/temp/grondwaterstroming-out.csv‘ where the geoJSON field will be converted in a WKT format.
You can now run the following command:
node convert-geojson-to-wkt-csv.js
And you can now check the output file: ‘C:/temp/grondwaterstroming-out.csv‘
Let’s now import that files in HANA Studio like we did in the last blog, but this set the geometry field to ST_GEOMETRY instead of BLOB.
I found a “Node.js” package to do this (only one), so I decided to build a little program to convert the field from the local CSV file.
First you will need to install Node.js from their website:
Once installed you can open command line prompt and run the following command:
node --version
This will return the currently installed and make sure it’s properly installed.
Now, run the following commands:
npm install fast-csv
npm install fs
npm install terraformer
npm install terraformer-wkt-parser
This will install the relevant packages to run the package.
You can now create a new file named ‘convert-geojson-to-wkt-csv.js‘ and add the following code:
var csv = require('fast-csv');
var fs = require('fs');
var Terraformer = require('terraformer');
var WKT = require('terraformer-wkt-parser');
var writeOptions = {
headers : true,
quoteHeaders : true,
quoteColumns : true,
rowDelimiter :'\n',
delimiter : ';'
var csvWriteStream = csv
var writableStream = fs.createWriteStream("C:/temp/grondwaterstroming-out.csv")
.on("finish", function(){
console.log("All done");
var readOptions = {
objectMode : true,
headers : true,
delimiter : ';',
quote : '"',
escape : '"'
var csvReadStream = fs.createReadStream("C:/temp/grondwaterstroming.csv");
var csvStream = csv
.on("data", function(data){
data.geometry = WKT.convert(JSON.parse(data.geometry));
.on("end", function(){
The program will read the ‘C:/temp/grondwaterstroming.csv‘ file and out the result in ‘C:/temp/grondwaterstroming-out.csv‘ where the geoJSON field will be converted in a WKT format.
You can now run the following command:
node convert-geojson-to-wkt-csv.js
And you can now check the output file: ‘C:/temp/grondwaterstroming-out.csv‘
Let’s now import that files in HANA Studio like we did in the last blog, but this set the geometry field to ST_GEOMETRY instead of BLOB.
But unfortunately this file contains some invalid polygons, and you will get the following error message: “Invalid polygon: multiple exterior rings“.
So let’s remove these polygons with holes now using the following code:
var csv = require('fast-csv');
var fs = require('fs');
var Terraformer = require('terraformer');
var WKT = require('terraformer-wkt-parser');
var writeOptions = {
headers : true,
quoteHeaders : true,
quoteColumns : true,
rowDelimiter :'\n',
delimiter : ';'
var csvWriteStream = csv
var writableStream = fs.createWriteStream("C:/temp/grondwaterstroming-out.csv")
.on("finish", function(){
console.log("All done");
var readOptions = {
objectMode : true,
headers : true,
delimiter : ';',
quote : '"',
escape : '"'
var csvReadStream = fs.createReadStream("C:/temp/grondwaterstroming.csv");
var csvStream = csv
.on("data", function(data){
var geometry = new Terraformer.Primitive(JSON.parse(data.geometry));
if (geometry.hasHoles()) {
console.log("found holes in " + + ". let's remove the holes");
} else {
data.geometry = WKT.convert(JSON.parse(data.geometry));
.on("end", function(){
The newly generate file will have less lines, and should import fine with the same procedure as earlier (don’t forget to change the geometry type from BLOB to ST_GEOMETRY).