As of SAP HANA Platform 2.0 SP00, the following new features and changes are available in SAP Web IDE and integrated SAP HANA tools.
SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA is a browser-based integrated development environment (IDE) for the development of SAP HANA-based applications comprised of web-based or mobile UIs, business logic, and extensive SAP HANA data models. SAP Web IDE works in conjunction with the SAP HANA deployment infrastructure (HDI), the Application Lifecycle Management tools (ALM), the XS Advanced runtime platform, and various SAP HANA tools.
SAP Web IDE (New and Changed):
1.Git Features (new):
The Git tools have been enhanced with new capabilities. Now you can:
● Set up Git
● Configure Git repositories
● Use multiple branches
● View the History pane
2. HTML5 Module Templates (new):
Two new templates are now available for HTML5 modules:
● SAPUI5 application with a basic project structure
● SAP Fiori Master-Detail application
3. Layout Editor (new):
A visual designer is now available for the development of SAPUI5-based HTML5 modules.
4.Problems View (new):
A new pane is available to view and analyze information about problems in the modules and
projects in your work space
5.Run Console (changed):
The enhanced Run console provides a holistic view of all running modules in a project and a
quick access to their logs.
6.Runtime Performance Improvements (changed):
Performance improvements when building and running HTML5 and Node.js modules
7.Selective Build (changed):
You can selectively build artifacts in an HDB module rather than build the entire module. This
supports incremental development and shortens the processing time.
8.User-defined Schema Names (new):
You can now define the name of the database schema that is automatically created for an HDB
SAP HANA Tools (new and changed):
SAP HANA Tools Calculation View Editor (Modeler)
1.Rank Node (Enhanced):
You can now generate an additional output column for rank nodes to store rank values.
2.Assigning Semantics (Enhanced):
In addition to the existing support for assigning semantics to measures, you can now also assign semantics to attributes in a calculation view
3.Column Lineage (Enhanced):
Column lineage support is now extended to trace source of columns used in calculated column expressions, and also for base measures used in restricted columns.
4.Cache Invalidation (Enhanced):
Transaction-based cache invalidation is performed whenever the underlying data is modified.
5.Restricted Columns (New):
You can create restricted columns as an additional measure based on attribute restrictions. For example, you can choose to restrict the value for the REVENUE column only for REGION = APJ, and YEAR = 2016.
6.Support to Convert Attribute Values to Required Formats (New):
You can assign conversion functions to attribute columns. These functions help maintain conversion from any internal to external format and from any external to internal format.
7.Support for Debugging Calculation Views (New):
You can execute debug queries on calculation views and analyze the runtime performance of views. For example, based on the query that you execute, you can identify pruned and unpruned data sources in calculation views and at design-time
8.Handling Null Values in Columns (New):
Define default values for columns (both attributes and measures). The system uses these default values in the reporting tools to replace any null values in columns.
9.Support for Virtual Tables (New):
In addition to the already supported data source types, you can now also use virtual tables as a data source for modeling calculation views.
10.Hierarchies (New):
You can use graphical modeling tools to create and define hierarchies. The tool supports both level hierarchies and parent-child hierarchies.
11.Support for Generating Time Data and Creating Calculation Views with Time Dimension (New)
You can generate time data into default time-related tables present in the _SYS_BI schema and use these tables in calculation views to add a time dimension
12.Time Travel Queries (New):
Calculation views now support time travel queries, which help query the past state of data. You can use input parameters to specify the time stamp in time travel queries.
SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA is a browser-based integrated development environment (IDE) for the development of SAP HANA-based applications comprised of web-based or mobile UIs, business logic, and extensive SAP HANA data models. SAP Web IDE works in conjunction with the SAP HANA deployment infrastructure (HDI), the Application Lifecycle Management tools (ALM), the XS Advanced runtime platform, and various SAP HANA tools.
SAP Web IDE (New and Changed):
1.Git Features (new):
The Git tools have been enhanced with new capabilities. Now you can:
● Set up Git
● Configure Git repositories
● Use multiple branches
● View the History pane
2. HTML5 Module Templates (new):
Two new templates are now available for HTML5 modules:
● SAPUI5 application with a basic project structure
● SAP Fiori Master-Detail application
3. Layout Editor (new):
A visual designer is now available for the development of SAPUI5-based HTML5 modules.
4.Problems View (new):
A new pane is available to view and analyze information about problems in the modules and
projects in your work space
5.Run Console (changed):
The enhanced Run console provides a holistic view of all running modules in a project and a
quick access to their logs.
6.Runtime Performance Improvements (changed):
Performance improvements when building and running HTML5 and Node.js modules
7.Selective Build (changed):
You can selectively build artifacts in an HDB module rather than build the entire module. This
supports incremental development and shortens the processing time.
8.User-defined Schema Names (new):
You can now define the name of the database schema that is automatically created for an HDB
SAP HANA Tools (new and changed):
SAP HANA Tools Calculation View Editor (Modeler)
1.Rank Node (Enhanced):
You can now generate an additional output column for rank nodes to store rank values.
2.Assigning Semantics (Enhanced):
In addition to the existing support for assigning semantics to measures, you can now also assign semantics to attributes in a calculation view
3.Column Lineage (Enhanced):
Column lineage support is now extended to trace source of columns used in calculated column expressions, and also for base measures used in restricted columns.
4.Cache Invalidation (Enhanced):
Transaction-based cache invalidation is performed whenever the underlying data is modified.
5.Restricted Columns (New):
You can create restricted columns as an additional measure based on attribute restrictions. For example, you can choose to restrict the value for the REVENUE column only for REGION = APJ, and YEAR = 2016.
6.Support to Convert Attribute Values to Required Formats (New):
You can assign conversion functions to attribute columns. These functions help maintain conversion from any internal to external format and from any external to internal format.
7.Support for Debugging Calculation Views (New):
You can execute debug queries on calculation views and analyze the runtime performance of views. For example, based on the query that you execute, you can identify pruned and unpruned data sources in calculation views and at design-time
8.Handling Null Values in Columns (New):
Define default values for columns (both attributes and measures). The system uses these default values in the reporting tools to replace any null values in columns.
9.Support for Virtual Tables (New):
In addition to the already supported data source types, you can now also use virtual tables as a data source for modeling calculation views.
10.Hierarchies (New):
You can use graphical modeling tools to create and define hierarchies. The tool supports both level hierarchies and parent-child hierarchies.
11.Support for Generating Time Data and Creating Calculation Views with Time Dimension (New)
You can generate time data into default time-related tables present in the _SYS_BI schema and use these tables in calculation views to add a time dimension
12.Time Travel Queries (New):
Calculation views now support time travel queries, which help query the past state of data. You can use input parameters to specify the time stamp in time travel queries.