Here are the prerequisites you must have before trying your hands on “R”
R-ODBC Package
R Studio
Setup the Data source (in this case SAP HANA DB Server)
Go to Service Marketplace -> Software Downloads -> Support Packages and Patches -> A-Z –> H–> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION” –> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDIT. 1.0” –> Entry by Component” –> HANA client
Once you have installed HANADBClient in your system then you need to setup data source.
Go to -> Control Panel -> Search for data Source (ODBC) -> Set up data sources (ODBC)
You will get the below popup
On Current tab click on Add one popup will appear for Server/Port information
R-ODBC Package
R Studio
Setup the Data source (in this case SAP HANA DB Server)
Go to Service Marketplace -> Software Downloads -> Support Packages and Patches -> A-Z –> H–> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION” –> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDIT. 1.0” –> Entry by Component” –> HANA client
Once you have installed HANADBClient in your system then you need to setup data source.
Go to -> Control Panel -> Search for data Source (ODBC) -> Set up data sources (ODBC)
You will get the below popup
On Current tab click on Add one popup will appear for Server/Port information
Enter any data source name/any description for server ad then enter server: port – if you don’t know the server and port name go to your hana studio (SAP HANA Development perspective) and right click on system then click on properties tab -> Additional properties tab -> Host details. After entering these details click on connect to check if the details are correct or not by entering the username/password if all ok then you get a prompt on connect that connection is successful.
Once you are done with above now download the R Studio and R package.
Now install both the Components once you are done with R Studio installation download the RODBC package goto your R Studio now & all install r Studio package.
Once we have added the RODBC package now we can check on R studio using library function
Now we can go ahead for accessing our HANA database artifacts, establish the database connection using R commands & then execute sqlQuery function for executing sql commands on R.
I created one table in HANA server for billing docs that I am accessing using “R” below is the sample code.
library (‘RODBC’)
ch<-odbcConnect(“data source name”,uid=”test_hana”,pwd=”test12″);
sqlQuery(ch, ‘SELECT * FROM “_SYS_BIC”.”BILLING_DATA” ‘)
result ->
Here is the output from “R”
Another sample for consuming procedure in “R”
I created one procedure which returns Company Code , Accounting doc & fiscal year from BSEG table.
sqlQuery(ch, ‘CALL “ABAPDEMO”.”GETDATA”(10 , ? )’);
Output in “R”
Your suggestions/questions/improvements are most welcome, I will try to share more sample codes as I will move on.