In this blog I will cover installation of XS Advanced Runtime on a dedicated host on HANA 2 SPS 01. Even though my example covers HANA 2 SPS 01, the process is similar on HANA 1 SPS 11+.
1. Resident hdblcm resides in the {mount_directory}/<SID> ( In my example: /media/shared/<SID>/hdblcm/)
- The SAP HANA system has been installed with its server software on a shared file system (export options rw, no_root_squash).
- The host has access to the installation directories <sapmnt> and <sapmnt>/<SID>.
- The SAP HANA system has been installed with the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM).
- You are logged on as root user or as the system administrator user <sid>adm.
- The difference between the system time set on the installation host and the additional host is not greater than 180 seconds.
- The operating system administrator (<SID>adm) user may exist on the additional host. Make sure that you have the password of the existing <SID>adm user, and that the user attributes and group assignments are correct. The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) resident program will not modify the properties of any existing user or group.
- You have the latest XS Advanced Runtime from SMP
- Extract the EXTAPP…*.SAR file using SAPCAR : SAPCAR -xvf EXTAPP..*.SAR
1. Resident hdblcm resides in the {mount_directory}/<SID> ( In my example: /media/shared/<SID>/hdblcm/)
2. Run hdblcm (In my example as root) with component_dirs option: ./hdblcm –component_dirs=/path_to_extracted_XSA_Runtime_Directory
3. Select update_component and then select xs (Install XS Advanced):
4. This is the step where this installation differs from installing XS Advanced on the same host. We will be adding a host to our system here. Give the FQDN of your new host here (make sure your hana host can resolve this):
5. Next steps including setting up XS Advanced installation including providing <sid>adm password, database user and password, XS advanced runtime master password, organization name, XSA Admin user and password. The most important step here is making the new host as xs_worker and not worker node.
In most of the options I used default but this can be configured as needed but might require extra steps.
6. In HANA Studio in the Landsacpe-> Services tab, you can see XS Advanced services (xscontroller, xsuaaserver and xsexecagent) running on a seperate host now. Additionally, in the Hosts tab you can see the new host is configured as xs_worker host:
Now your HANA is set up with XS Advanced on a dedicated server and can be utilized for XSA applications.