SAP HANA system replication provides the possibility to copy and continuously synchronize a SAP HANA database to a secondary location in the same or another data center. Usually system replication is used to support high availabilty and disaster recovery. SAP HANA 2.0 introduced the Active/Active (read enabled) system replication operation mode, which allows read-only access to the secondary site.
SAP HANA 2 SPS 03 introduced the invisible takeover feature which automatically reroutes client connections to the secondary system in the event of a takeover. However, in the current state, a takeover from the primary to the secondary system can lead to hanging JDBC connections or invalid transaction states in a Java application connected to the database.
This blog will illustrate how to handle takeover on the application side to prevent errors from reaching the end user until the takeover has completed.
◈ You have created a Spring Boot Java application using Hibernate as the JPA implementation
◈ You have set up a virtual IP address or a virtual host name for the database host which you use as the host name in your JDBC connection string.
The application’s connection pool must be configured to validate the connections when borrowing them from the pool.
If you use the Tomcat connection pool, add the following properties to your file:
spring.datasource.tomcat.validationQuery=SELECT 1 from dummy
If you use a different connection pool, you need to check in its documentation how to configure the connection validation.
The application should be structured in a way that operations can be retried until they succeed.This ususally means that these operations must be executed within a database transaction that can be rolled back or committed depending on the outcome of the operation.
Spring provides the @Transactional annotation to tell the framework that an annotated method should be executed within a transaction. You can also add the annotation to a class which means that all methods of the class should be executed within a transaction.
public interface ItemRepository extends JpaRepository<Item, Integer> {
@Query(value = "SELECT ID, CONTENT FROM ITEM WHERE ID=?1 WITH HINT( RESULT_LAG ('hana_sr', 60) )", nativeQuery = true)
Item findOneOnSecondary(Integer id);
Now that the individual operations are atomic by means of the transactional behavior, automatic retries can be set up to retry the operations until the takeover has completed.
An easy to use retry mechanism is provided by Spring Retry. To use Spring Retry it must be added as a Maven dependency.
Once the dependency has been added, you can add the @EnableRetry annotation to one of your @Configuration classes and the @Retryable annotation to any method that should be retried. The annotation defines attributes that let you configure the retry behavior, e.g. the delay between the retries or the maximum number of retries.
@RequestMapping(path = "/item")
public class ItemController {
private ItemRepository itemRepository;
@Retryable(backoff = @Backoff(delay = 10000), maxAttempts = 60)
@RequestMapping(path = "{id}")
public Item getItem(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
return this.itemRepository.findOneOnSecondary( id );
@Retryable(backoff = @Backoff(delay = 10000), maxAttempts = 60)
@RequestMapping(path = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public int addItem(@RequestParam(name = "content") String content) {
Item item = new Item();
item.setContent( content ); item );
return item.getId();
@Retryable(backoff = @Backoff(delay = 10000), maxAttempts = 60)
@RequestMapping(path = "{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public void deleteItem(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
this.itemRepository.delete( id );
In the code above the operations will be retried at most 60 times while waiting 10 seconds between each retry. Any errors that occur during the execution are caught and ignored. Only after the maximum number of retries has been exhausted an error will be propagated to the caller.
Now that the operations are retried during a takeover, you need to take care of connections that are in a state in which they don’t notice that the primary database server has failed. Such connections would continue to try to execute queries against the failed primary server until all retries are exhausted, even if the secondary server has taken over. These connections must be manually disconnected so they can reconnect to the new primary after the takeover.
There are two possibilities to implement the disconnecting of hanging connections
1. Via a retry listener
2. Via a custom transaction manager
Spring Retry provides additional customizing options via so called retry listeners. A retry listener can be used to react to retry events like “retry started”, “retry error”, and “retry completed”.
For the connection handling the “retry error” callback is the most appropriate. This callback is called whenever a retry failed and it provides information about the current state of the retry operation and the exception that was caught.
There are two situations that need to be handled
1. The current operation was interrupted by the takeover
2. The current operation couldn’t be started
For the first situation the retry handler must check if the root cause of the exception is either a SQLNonTransientConnectionException or a JDBCDriverException. Both these exceptions can indicate that the connection to the server was lost. If such an exception is encountered the retry listener must manually disconnect the connection. The connection will then be reestablished if possible on the next retry.
The second situation can occur when the takeover left a transaction object in an inconsistent state. In this case the transaction object must be reset so it can be re-used on the next retry.
import java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.LogicalConnectionImplementor;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerHolder;
import org.springframework.retry.RetryCallback;
import org.springframework.retry.RetryContext;
import org.springframework.retry.RetryListener;
import org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException;
public class TakeoverHandlingRetryListener implements RetryListener {
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
public <T, E extends Throwable> boolean open(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback) {
return true;
public <T, E extends Throwable> void close(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback, Throwable throwable) {
public <T, E extends Throwable> void onError(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback, Throwable throwable) {
// check if the root cause is a connection failure
if ( isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( throwable ) ) {
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource( this.emf );
if ( emHolder != null ) {
EntityManager entityManager = emHolder.getEntityManager();
if ( entityManager != null ) {
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
try {
// extract the logical database connection
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
if ( logicalConnection.isOpen() ) {
// close the physical connection
JdbcUtils.closeConnection( logicalConnection.getPhysicalConnection() );
// manually disconnect
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
// check if a transaction couldn't be started because of an invalid state
else if ( throwable instanceof CannotCreateTransactionException && throwable.getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException ) {
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource( this.emf );
if ( emHolder != null ) {
EntityManager entityManager = emHolder.getEntityManager();
if ( entityManager != null ) {
try {
// mark the transaction as read-only to prevent any changes to be written to the database
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
try {
// execute a commit which will reset the transaction state so it can be restarted
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
private boolean isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB(Throwable throwable) {
// check if the exception indicates a connection loss
if ( throwable instanceof SQLNonTransientConnectionException || throwable instanceof JDBCDriverException ) {
return true;
// check the cause of the exception if there is one
if ( throwable.getCause() != null ) {
return isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( throwable.getCause() );
return false;
To use the retry listener simply add it as a bean to your application configuration.
public RetryListener retryListener() {
return new TakeoverHandlingRetryListener();
Instead of a retry listener taking care of broken connections a custom transaction manager can also be used. The transaction manager can intercept the “begin transaction”, “rollback”, and “commit” calls and do the necessary cleanup within this call.
Note that the general retry mechanism of Spring Retry is still required. Only the retry listener can be replaced by the transaction manager.
The easiest way to implement a custom transaction manager is to extend one of the provided Spring transaction managers, for example, the JpaTransactionManager.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.LogicalConnectionImplementor;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerHolder;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException;
import org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class TakeoverHandlingJpaTransactionManager extends JpaTransactionManager {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The maximum number of times a transaction start should be retried
private int retries;
* The number of milliseconds to wait between retries
private long timeout;
public TakeoverHandlingJpaTransactionManager(EntityManagerFactory emf) {
super( emf );
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus status) {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager( status.getTransaction() );
if ( entityManager == null ) {
// no entity manager found => execute normally
super.doCommit( status );
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
if ( !isConnectionValid( logicalConnection ) ) {
try {
// roll back the transaction to reset the status
rollback( status );
catch (TransactionException e) {
// ignore
// throw an UnexpectedRollbackException to trigger the correct behavior in the parent commit() call
throw new UnexpectedRollbackException( "The connection is invalid" );
try {
// commit the transaction
super.doCommit( status );
catch (Exception e) {
// Check if the connection needs to be reset and then re-throw the exception
resetTransactionAndThrow( e, logicalConnection );
* Get the entity manager either from the current transaction object or from the
* {@link TransactionSynchronizationManager}.
* @param transaction The current transaction object
* @return The entity manager if found, or {@code null} otherwise
private EntityManager getEntityManager(Object transaction) {
// extract the entity manager from the transaction object
Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod( transaction.getClass(), "getEntityManagerHolder" );
method.setAccessible( true );
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod( method, transaction );
if ( emHolder == null ) {
// no entity manager holder found on the transaction object => try the TransactionSynchronizationManager
emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource( getEntityManagerFactory() );
if ( emHolder == null ) {
return null;
return emHolder.getEntityManager();
* Check if the {@link Throwable} is caused by a connection loss
* @param throwable The throwable to check
* @return {@code true} if the {@link Throwable} is caused by a connection loss, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB(Throwable throwable) {
if ( throwable instanceof SQLNonTransientConnectionException || throwable instanceof JDBCDriverException ) {
return true;
if ( throwable.getCause() != null ) {
return isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( throwable.getCause() );
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doRollback(DefaultTransactionStatus status) {
try {
super.doRollback( status );
catch (Exception e) {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager( status.getTransaction() );
if ( entityManager == null ) {
throw e;
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
// Check if the connection needs to be reset and then re-throw the exception
resetTransactionAndThrow( e, logicalConnection );
* Check if the given logical connection is valid
* @param logicalConnection The connection to check
* @return {@code true} if the connection is valid, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean isConnectionValid(LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection) {
if ( logicalConnection.isOpen() ) {
try {
// check if the connection is valid
if ( logicalConnection.getPhysicalConnection().isValid( 1000 ) ) {
return true;
// the connection is invalid => disconnect manually
catch (SQLException e) {
try {
// Check if the connection needs to be reset and then re-throw the exception
resetTransactionAndThrow( e, logicalConnection );
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
return false;
* Check if the given connection is potentially caused by a connection loss. If so, disconnect the connection
* explicitly before re-throwing the exception.
* @param e The exception to check
* @param logicalConnection The logical connection that will be disconnection if necessary
private void resetTransactionAndThrow(Exception e, LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection) {
if ( isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( e ) ) {
try {
if ( logicalConnection.isOpen() ) {
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
sneakyThrow( e );
else {
sneakyThrow( e );
* Sneakily throw an exception
* @param e The exception to throw
* @throws E The type of the exception to throw
* @see <a href=""></a>
private static <E extends Exception> void sneakyThrow(Exception e) throws E {
throw (E) e;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doBegin(Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition) {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager( transaction );
if ( entityManager == null ) {
// no entity manager found => execute normally
super.doBegin( transaction, definition );
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
int count = 0;
do {
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
// check if the connection is valid
if ( !isConnectionValid( logicalConnection ) ) {
try {
Thread.sleep( this.timeout );
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
sneakyThrow( ex );
try {
super.doBegin( transaction, definition );
catch (CannotCreateTransactionException e) {
if ( e.getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException ) {
try {
// mark the transaction as read-only to prevent any changes to be written to the database
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
try {
// execute a commit which will reset the transaction state so it can be restarted
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
try {
// wait for the timeout period to start the next try
Thread.sleep( this.timeout );
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
sneakyThrow( ex );
throw e;
} while ( count < this.retries );
if ( count >= this.retries ) {
throw new CannotCreateTransactionException( "Timeout reached while trying to create a transaction" );
To use the transaction manager simply add it as a bean to your application configuration.
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
return new TakeoverHandlingJpaTransactionManager( this.emf );
SAP HANA 2 SPS 03 introduced the invisible takeover feature which automatically reroutes client connections to the secondary system in the event of a takeover. However, in the current state, a takeover from the primary to the secondary system can lead to hanging JDBC connections or invalid transaction states in a Java application connected to the database.
◈ You have set up a SAP HANA Active/Active (read enabled) system, for example, as shown in the SAP HANA Academy video tutorial◈ You have created a Spring Boot Java application using Hibernate as the JPA implementation
◈ You have set up a virtual IP address or a virtual host name for the database host which you use as the host name in your JDBC connection string.
Adapt the application
Configure the connection pool
The application’s connection pool must be configured to validate the connections when borrowing them from the pool.
If you use the Tomcat connection pool, add the following properties to your file:
spring.datasource.tomcat.validationQuery=SELECT 1 from dummy
If you use a different connection pool, you need to check in its documentation how to configure the connection validation.
Set up automatic retries
The application should be structured in a way that operations can be retried until they succeed.This ususally means that these operations must be executed within a database transaction that can be rolled back or committed depending on the outcome of the operation.
Spring provides the @Transactional annotation to tell the framework that an annotated method should be executed within a transaction. You can also add the annotation to a class which means that all methods of the class should be executed within a transaction.
public interface ItemRepository extends JpaRepository<Item, Integer> {
@Query(value = "SELECT ID, CONTENT FROM ITEM WHERE ID=?1 WITH HINT( RESULT_LAG ('hana_sr', 60) )", nativeQuery = true)
Item findOneOnSecondary(Integer id);
Now that the individual operations are atomic by means of the transactional behavior, automatic retries can be set up to retry the operations until the takeover has completed.
An easy to use retry mechanism is provided by Spring Retry. To use Spring Retry it must be added as a Maven dependency.
Once the dependency has been added, you can add the @EnableRetry annotation to one of your @Configuration classes and the @Retryable annotation to any method that should be retried. The annotation defines attributes that let you configure the retry behavior, e.g. the delay between the retries or the maximum number of retries.
@RequestMapping(path = "/item")
public class ItemController {
private ItemRepository itemRepository;
@Retryable(backoff = @Backoff(delay = 10000), maxAttempts = 60)
@RequestMapping(path = "{id}")
public Item getItem(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
return this.itemRepository.findOneOnSecondary( id );
@Retryable(backoff = @Backoff(delay = 10000), maxAttempts = 60)
@RequestMapping(path = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public int addItem(@RequestParam(name = "content") String content) {
Item item = new Item();
item.setContent( content ); item );
return item.getId();
@Retryable(backoff = @Backoff(delay = 10000), maxAttempts = 60)
@RequestMapping(path = "{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public void deleteItem(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
this.itemRepository.delete( id );
In the code above the operations will be retried at most 60 times while waiting 10 seconds between each retry. Any errors that occur during the execution are caught and ignored. Only after the maximum number of retries has been exhausted an error will be propagated to the caller.
Set up connection handling
Now that the operations are retried during a takeover, you need to take care of connections that are in a state in which they don’t notice that the primary database server has failed. Such connections would continue to try to execute queries against the failed primary server until all retries are exhausted, even if the secondary server has taken over. These connections must be manually disconnected so they can reconnect to the new primary after the takeover.
There are two possibilities to implement the disconnecting of hanging connections
1. Via a retry listener
2. Via a custom transaction manager
Connection handling via a retry listener
Spring Retry provides additional customizing options via so called retry listeners. A retry listener can be used to react to retry events like “retry started”, “retry error”, and “retry completed”.
For the connection handling the “retry error” callback is the most appropriate. This callback is called whenever a retry failed and it provides information about the current state of the retry operation and the exception that was caught.
There are two situations that need to be handled
1. The current operation was interrupted by the takeover
2. The current operation couldn’t be started
For the first situation the retry handler must check if the root cause of the exception is either a SQLNonTransientConnectionException or a JDBCDriverException. Both these exceptions can indicate that the connection to the server was lost. If such an exception is encountered the retry listener must manually disconnect the connection. The connection will then be reestablished if possible on the next retry.
The second situation can occur when the takeover left a transaction object in an inconsistent state. In this case the transaction object must be reset so it can be re-used on the next retry.
import java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.LogicalConnectionImplementor;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerHolder;
import org.springframework.retry.RetryCallback;
import org.springframework.retry.RetryContext;
import org.springframework.retry.RetryListener;
import org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException;
public class TakeoverHandlingRetryListener implements RetryListener {
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
public <T, E extends Throwable> boolean open(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback) {
return true;
public <T, E extends Throwable> void close(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback, Throwable throwable) {
public <T, E extends Throwable> void onError(RetryContext context, RetryCallback<T, E> callback, Throwable throwable) {
// check if the root cause is a connection failure
if ( isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( throwable ) ) {
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource( this.emf );
if ( emHolder != null ) {
EntityManager entityManager = emHolder.getEntityManager();
if ( entityManager != null ) {
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
try {
// extract the logical database connection
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
if ( logicalConnection.isOpen() ) {
// close the physical connection
JdbcUtils.closeConnection( logicalConnection.getPhysicalConnection() );
// manually disconnect
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
// check if a transaction couldn't be started because of an invalid state
else if ( throwable instanceof CannotCreateTransactionException && throwable.getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException ) {
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource( this.emf );
if ( emHolder != null ) {
EntityManager entityManager = emHolder.getEntityManager();
if ( entityManager != null ) {
try {
// mark the transaction as read-only to prevent any changes to be written to the database
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
try {
// execute a commit which will reset the transaction state so it can be restarted
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
private boolean isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB(Throwable throwable) {
// check if the exception indicates a connection loss
if ( throwable instanceof SQLNonTransientConnectionException || throwable instanceof JDBCDriverException ) {
return true;
// check the cause of the exception if there is one
if ( throwable.getCause() != null ) {
return isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( throwable.getCause() );
return false;
To use the retry listener simply add it as a bean to your application configuration.
public RetryListener retryListener() {
return new TakeoverHandlingRetryListener();
Connection handling via a custom transaction manager
Instead of a retry listener taking care of broken connections a custom transaction manager can also be used. The transaction manager can intercept the “begin transaction”, “rollback”, and “commit” calls and do the necessary cleanup within this call.
Note that the general retry mechanism of Spring Retry is still required. Only the retry listener can be replaced by the transaction manager.
The easiest way to implement a custom transaction manager is to extend one of the provided Spring transaction managers, for example, the JpaTransactionManager.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.LogicalConnectionImplementor;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerHolder;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException;
import org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException;
import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class TakeoverHandlingJpaTransactionManager extends JpaTransactionManager {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The maximum number of times a transaction start should be retried
private int retries;
* The number of milliseconds to wait between retries
private long timeout;
public TakeoverHandlingJpaTransactionManager(EntityManagerFactory emf) {
super( emf );
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus status) {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager( status.getTransaction() );
if ( entityManager == null ) {
// no entity manager found => execute normally
super.doCommit( status );
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
if ( !isConnectionValid( logicalConnection ) ) {
try {
// roll back the transaction to reset the status
rollback( status );
catch (TransactionException e) {
// ignore
// throw an UnexpectedRollbackException to trigger the correct behavior in the parent commit() call
throw new UnexpectedRollbackException( "The connection is invalid" );
try {
// commit the transaction
super.doCommit( status );
catch (Exception e) {
// Check if the connection needs to be reset and then re-throw the exception
resetTransactionAndThrow( e, logicalConnection );
* Get the entity manager either from the current transaction object or from the
* {@link TransactionSynchronizationManager}.
* @param transaction The current transaction object
* @return The entity manager if found, or {@code null} otherwise
private EntityManager getEntityManager(Object transaction) {
// extract the entity manager from the transaction object
Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod( transaction.getClass(), "getEntityManagerHolder" );
method.setAccessible( true );
EntityManagerHolder emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod( method, transaction );
if ( emHolder == null ) {
// no entity manager holder found on the transaction object => try the TransactionSynchronizationManager
emHolder = (EntityManagerHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource( getEntityManagerFactory() );
if ( emHolder == null ) {
return null;
return emHolder.getEntityManager();
* Check if the {@link Throwable} is caused by a connection loss
* @param throwable The throwable to check
* @return {@code true} if the {@link Throwable} is caused by a connection loss, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB(Throwable throwable) {
if ( throwable instanceof SQLNonTransientConnectionException || throwable instanceof JDBCDriverException ) {
return true;
if ( throwable.getCause() != null ) {
return isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( throwable.getCause() );
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doRollback(DefaultTransactionStatus status) {
try {
super.doRollback( status );
catch (Exception e) {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager( status.getTransaction() );
if ( entityManager == null ) {
throw e;
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
// Check if the connection needs to be reset and then re-throw the exception
resetTransactionAndThrow( e, logicalConnection );
* Check if the given logical connection is valid
* @param logicalConnection The connection to check
* @return {@code true} if the connection is valid, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean isConnectionValid(LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection) {
if ( logicalConnection.isOpen() ) {
try {
// check if the connection is valid
if ( logicalConnection.getPhysicalConnection().isValid( 1000 ) ) {
return true;
// the connection is invalid => disconnect manually
catch (SQLException e) {
try {
// Check if the connection needs to be reset and then re-throw the exception
resetTransactionAndThrow( e, logicalConnection );
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
return false;
* Check if the given connection is potentially caused by a connection loss. If so, disconnect the connection
* explicitly before re-throwing the exception.
* @param e The exception to check
* @param logicalConnection The logical connection that will be disconnection if necessary
private void resetTransactionAndThrow(Exception e, LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection) {
if ( isSQLNonTransientConnectionExceptionSapDB( e ) ) {
try {
if ( logicalConnection.isOpen() ) {
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
sneakyThrow( e );
else {
sneakyThrow( e );
* Sneakily throw an exception
* @param e The exception to throw
* @throws E The type of the exception to throw
* @see <a href=""></a>
private static <E extends Exception> void sneakyThrow(Exception e) throws E {
throw (E) e;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doBegin(Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition) {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager( transaction );
if ( entityManager == null ) {
// no entity manager found => execute normally
super.doBegin( transaction, definition );
SessionImplementor s = entityManager.unwrap( SessionImplementor.class );
int count = 0;
do {
LogicalConnectionImplementor logicalConnection = s.getJdbcCoordinator().getLogicalConnection();
// check if the connection is valid
if ( !isConnectionValid( logicalConnection ) ) {
try {
Thread.sleep( this.timeout );
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
sneakyThrow( ex );
try {
super.doBegin( transaction, definition );
catch (CannotCreateTransactionException e) {
if ( e.getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException ) {
try {
// mark the transaction as read-only to prevent any changes to be written to the database
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
try {
// execute a commit which will reset the transaction state so it can be restarted
catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
try {
// wait for the timeout period to start the next try
Thread.sleep( this.timeout );
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
sneakyThrow( ex );
throw e;
} while ( count < this.retries );
if ( count >= this.retries ) {
throw new CannotCreateTransactionException( "Timeout reached while trying to create a transaction" );
To use the transaction manager simply add it as a bean to your application configuration.
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
return new TakeoverHandlingJpaTransactionManager( this.emf );