Seven points for success.
After a lot of good and bad experiences during Migration to SAP ECC ON HANA, it was possible make a list with very important points.
These points refer to SAP HANA Version, EHP Version, O.F. (Kernel, Library, File system and etc), Appliance and other information that are ommited on Guides, Notes and Sites.
Let's go to the list:
01 - Human Resources.
02 - Size Database versus Memory Size
Ex: 600gb / 3.5 = 171,2gb (approximately).
03 – Prerequisites
Each point that was not properly observed creates a deviation point, which will be responsible for new costs, new deadlines and the need of more resources (human, Time, Physical or budget) for the same objective. So, the question is: Can I actually start it?
04 – Check, Double Check and Triple Check
07 – The day after of the go-live (eu não sei se go-live é um termo técnico).
After a lot of good and bad experiences during Migration to SAP ECC ON HANA, it was possible make a list with very important points.
These points refer to SAP HANA Version, EHP Version, O.F. (Kernel, Library, File system and etc), Appliance and other information that are ommited on Guides, Notes and Sites.
Let's go to the list:
01 - Human Resources.
- Is Your Team prepared for these challenges?
- Does Your Team or Partner have all the necessary knowledge?
02 - Size Database versus Memory Size
- The sizing analysis is very important for the project. Forconcept of memory, size is successful case.
- Yes, your database will be compressed.
Ex: 600gb / 3.5 = 171,2gb (approximately).
03 – Prerequisites
- What is the best choice: cloud or appliance ?
- Datacenter In-House or Partner Datacenter?
- How much is the cost?
- How much time is necessary to execute it ?
- How difficult is it to fix this issue?
- We need more disk space now!
Each point that was not properly observed creates a deviation point, which will be responsible for new costs, new deadlines and the need of more resources (human, Time, Physical or budget) for the same objective. So, the question is: Can I actually start it?
04 – Check, Double Check and Triple Check
- Times
- Costs
- Prerequisites
- Activities
- Results and Deliveries
- Status (Work in Progress, Completed or On Hold)
- 99,99% is not 100% (alignment, set point expectative and check if is totally clear understanding between the parties.).
- Time for Response (defined by priority, risk and complexity)
- when will it be the preview test?
- When will we make Backups and who will do it?
- Who will take the Checklist?
- Who will take the SPAU?
- Who will take the Test?
- How much time to execute UP-Time?
- How much time to execute Down-Time?
- When the system will be Online after due Down-Time?
- How much faster?
- My problems will be solved and will be the end of all low performance.
- New developments with more speed and less complexity.
- Standard and Generic transactions much faster.
07 – The day after of the go-live (eu não sei se go-live é um termo técnico).
- Monitoring
- Support
- Performance monitoring
- Follow always the Hana's recommendations
- Schedule a new SAP Earlywatch Check